Why Traditional leadership training models are not designed for Construction


Construction projects require highly specialised skillsets. That’s why Construction-specific training available in the market relates to the niche trade competencies required, including improving project management skills, learning safety and compliance, as well as other types of trade skill training or professional development.

But leadership development for operational managers has traditionally taken a one-size-fits-all approach and is non-industry specific. This is out of step with the needs of the Construction industry. Problems arise when one-size-fits-all models are applied to leadership development in the Construction industry as they fall short of the specialised upskilling and soft skills needed in these complex environments.

One could say, there is a supply shortage for effective leadership development for managers.


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Solution: Develop your managers so they thrive in the Construction industry

The industry is unique and needs specialised leaders. Leadership development for Construction companies needs to upskill management people into people leaders who thrive in the complex and changing needs of project cycles.

The complexity of the industry means that effective development programmes needs to be flexible and foster participation, shared knowledge, and are supported by ongoing mentoring and review. The ideal framework sees operational managers choosing when and how they learn, being mindful and implementing what they are learning while on the job, collaborating and helping one another in a culture of sharing, and receiving regular one-on-one coaching that is customised to their individual needs.

Read more about the framework that makes great Construction leaders here.

With a focus on core learning and applied to real-world industry situations, your Construction company can ensure behaviour change, consistency and integrity across your organisation.



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